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Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan’s final State of the City
Tuesday evening, March 25, 2025, Mayor Duggan will offer his last State of the City address. It is vital to recognize that Duggan’s address will be delivered in Dan Gilbert’s monolithic Hudson’s Detroit building. It is a building that many majority Black Detroiters will never experience even though roughly $660 million dollars in public subsidy has contributed to its existence. We anticipate those who benefit most from the Hudson’s building and similar large scale private economic development projects will be on hand to applaud the outgoing Administration – Detroit’s band of billionaires, millionaires, global corporations, and those who embrace the status quo.
The mayor and his supporters will claim wins that nevertheless have resulted in collateral damage across the city beginning with the imposition of Emergency Management. The failure to center racial equity in these wins has resulted in increased Black – White inequality, neighborhood decline and displacement, a social safety net that fails homeless women and children and a population decline of more than 100,000 Black Detroiters during the past decade.
Detroit People’s Platform strives to protect, maintain & empower majority Black Detroit in the face of efforts to re-engineer the nation’s largest Black city. Learn more about our work for Good Governance, Economic Justice, Transit Justice, Housing Justice and The Commons in Detroit.
Transit Justice
Housing Justice
Good Governance
Economic Justice
The Commons
Without the strong leadership and commitment of our long-standing Community Partners we would not be able to build movement. We work with neighborhood groups who are willing to stand up to the status quo and fight for Majority Black Detroit.
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