Right NOW, Tuesday September 29, 2020 – City Council to VOTE on a $1.6 Million contract for Community Health Corps. The contract will use $1.6 million dollars in CARES funding to conduct a dragnet for low income Black women and their children; pointing to illiteracy and behavioral issues as the root of their problems.
Urgent Action Needed!
Contact (tag, tweet, email, call) your Detroit Council Members immediately and demand a NO vote on the request for the 1.6 million dollar contract to establish Community Health Corp. Attend today’s virtual council meeting and make a public comment: https://detroitmi.gov/government/city-council/city-council-meetings-and-agendas
The $1.6 million dollar contract is based on federal funding intended to provide support for families most impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic -families who need help with rent, utility payments, and water shutoffs.
Instead of providing direct support to our families to deal with these hardships, the $1.6 million dollars is being used to fund a research and referral project to collect data on struggling Black families.
Detroit families need every penny of COVID -19 federal funds to go directly to help get thru these difficult times now and in the future.
Here is the limited information provided on the city webpage: https://detroitmi.gov/news/mayor-community-health-corps-revolutionize-how-city-helps-its-most-vulnerable-residents-provide-job
2020 Detroit City Council Contact Information
Brenda Jones, Council President, At-Large
313-224-1245 – @DetCouncilPres
Janeé L Ayers, At-Large
313-224-4248 – @Ayers4Detroit
James Tate, District 1
313-224-1027 – @CouncilmanTate
Roy McCalister Jr., District 2
313-224-4535 – @RoyMcCalisterJr
Scott Benson, District 3
313-224-1198 – @Scottinthe3rd
André Spivey, District 4
313-224-4505 – @AndreLSpivey
Mary Sheffield, President Pro Temp, District 5
313-224-4505 – @MsMarySheffield
Raquel Casteñeda-Lopez, District 6
313-224-2450 – @Raquel4Detroit
Gabe Leland, District 7
313-224-2151 – @GabeLeland