Budget Hearings Week One – Budget for the Common Good

March 7, 2021

Budget Hearings, Week 1

Through the month of March Detroit City Council will hold public hearings to discuss the Mayor’s proposed budget, plan adjustments and gather input from Detroit residents. Friday, March 5th, Mayor Duggan presented his budget that supports the administration's priorities.

Detroit People’s Platform (DPP) will be focused on our issue areas and making recommendations for adjustments through the month. This week we will focus on 

Transit The administration's budget proposes a modest increase specifically for paratransit services. However, the budget does not commit to extending the moratorium on bus fees. General funds can be used to remove fees completely. Where are the additional funds to improve bus stops, bus routes, and cancel fares?

Take Action! Make Public Comment on Transit at 11:00 am on Monday March 8th. 

Housing The administration's budget proposes $3.3 million for affordable housing. This number is down from the past allocations of $3.6million. While more money was allocated to the Senior Home Repair program, affordable housing has been cut. Detroit is in the midst of a housing crisis that must be addressed through a comprehensive plan and budget allocation.

Take Action! Make Public Comment on Housing at 1:00 pm on Monday March 8th. 

CRIO The Civil Rights, Inclusion and Opportunity Department was created in part to monitor and report on projects that fall under the city’s Community Benefits Ordinance. The department has failed to respond to resident needs and demands. The CRIO budget will increase from $3.8 million to $4.8 million. However, we demand that a portion of CRIO funding be reallocated to the Housing and Revitalization Department to address environmental impacts of the FCA expansion and make homes on Beniteau safe to live in. The department must be more accountable in its performance in addressing the clear racial inequities associated with large-scale public funded projects in Majority Black Detroit.

Take Action! Make Public Comment about the CRIO budget at 11:00 am on Friday March 12th. 

We encourage DPP members and supporters to engage in the budget process and to demand City Council wield their power to move city funds for the benefit of the people of Detroit and our immediate needs.

Learn more:
The Historical Roots of Municipal Budgets
Understanding State Revenue Sharing


Monday, March 8, 2021

  • 11:00 am D-DOT/ Detroit Transportation Corp. 
  • 1:00 pm Housing & Revitalization Dept.
  • 2:00 pm Planning & Development Dept. 
  • 3:00 pm Law Department 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

  • 10:00 am Health Dept. 
  • 11:00 am Public Lighting Department 
  • 11:30 am Public Lighting Authority 
  • 1:00 pm BUDGET, FINANCE & AUDIT 
  • 2:00 pm Dept. of Appeals & Hearings
  • 3:00 pm BSEED 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

  • 11:00 am DEGC/DDA/EDC/LDFA
  • 1:00 pm Board of Ethics
  • 2:00 pm Inspector General
  • 3:00 pm Detroit-Wayne County Port Authority

Friday, March 12, 2021

  • 10:00 am Human Resources Dept.
  • 11:00 am CRIO - Civil Rights, Inclusion and Opportunity 
  • 1:00 pm Eastern Market
  • 2:00 pm Museum of African American History
  • 3:00 pm Historical Society

TAKE ACTION - Join the virtual public hearings by phone or on zoom to make a  public comment.

To attend by phone only, call one of these numbers: 

+1 929 436 2866 , +1 312 626 6799, +1 669 900 6833, +1 253 215 8782 , +1 301 715 8592, +1 346 248 7799 

Use meeting id:  738 256 485

To attend online: https://cityofdetroit.zoom.us/j/330332554