Budget Changes Proposed by City Council
President Mary Sheffield
CouncilMemberSheffield@detroitmi.gov - 313.224.4505
$7M to DDOT to increase transit operating budget to $80M to increase pay for bus drivers
$350k to Reparations Taskforce
$700k to Charles H. Wright general to increase Operationg Budget
$2M to Charles H. Wright for capital improvements
$221k increase budget for media services
$900k to HRD for Housing CAM (Coordinated Assessment Model) System
$75k to HRD for retail study for African Town
$320k One-time allocation to GSD to provide $2000 bonus to mechanics
$445k to OAG to increase operating budget for Office of Auditor General
$10.5k to Zoning to increase pay for the Board of Zoning Appeals members
$252k to City Council to increase per diem rate for Board of Review members
$260k to Ombudsman to increase budget to hire more assistants
$131k to City Clerk to increase budget for capital purchases
Allocation for OCFO Over assessment
Allocation to HR for tuition reimbursement to city employees
Allocation to MPD to conduct a city-wide parking study for affordable parking
Allocation to increase resereves for salary increases
Allocation to Police to increase funding for victim assistance
Allocation to GSD for improvements to Walter May Park
Allocation to HRD for housing abatement monitoring
Allocation to HRD for Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Allocation to DWSD to increase ARPA funding for Basement Backup Sewer program
Allocation to HRD to increase funding to Right to Counsel by $12M over 2 years: $6M in FY 2024 and $6M in FY 2025
Pro Tem James Tate
councilmembertate@detroitmi.gov - 313.224.1027
$4M one time allocation to GSD to increase funding for emergency tree trimming and removal
$150k to GSD to build 2 Warming and Cooling Centers
$88k to OIG to increase funding to Office of Inspector General
Allocation to Fire for analysis of Speed Bumps impact on Police and Fire response times
Councilmember Mary Waters
councilmemberwaters@detroitmi.gov - 313.628.2363
$200k one time allocation to BSEED for air purifiers for AMC impact residents
$500k to increase funding to Historical Museum operations.
$18k to Zoning to add 2 At-large members to the BZA
$2M one time allocation to HRD to increase funding for seniors/disabled residents to upgrade homes
Allocation to Health to conduct a senior citizens mental health study
Allocation to Health to increase funding for Mental Health
Allocation for Basic Income Supplement
Allocation to provide $2000 payment to City Retirees
Allocation to increase funding for the Buy Back Program
Allocation to City Council to create a Tenant's Rights Commission comprising of a 9 member board
Allocation to City Council to increase budget for the City Planning Commission
Councilmember Latisha Johnson
CMLatisha.Johnson@detroitmi.gov - 313.224.4841
$200k one time allocation to BSEED for Air Purifiers for residents in the Stellantis -Mack area
Allocation to Mayor’s Office to creation a Disaster Mitigation Plan (for flooding and basement backup)
Allocation to Mayor’s Office to create Resilience Hubs throughout the city
Allocation to GSD for Chandler Park Fieldhouse Dome
Allocation to Library to reopen Monteith Branch Library
Councilmember Scott Benson
bensons@detroitmi.gov - 313.224.1198
$1M for capital improvements at the Historical Museum
$2.4M to GSD for security upgrades to Rec Centers
Allocation to DPW to establish a Pilot Program for Food Waste Recycling
Councilmember Coleman Young II
Coleman.Young@detroitmi.gov - (313) 224-4248
$600k to HRD to re-establish the Green Grocer Program
Allocation to DPW to hire 1- FTE to City Engineers to provide City-wide oversight
Allocation to HRD to buy 3D Printer to help address affordable housing issues
Allocation to HRD for a Retail Study for Native Town
Allocation to HRD for a Retail Study for Chaldean Town
Councilmember Gabriella Santiago-Romero
CouncilmemberGabriela@detroitmi.gov - 313.224.2450
$309k to Health for Detroit ID Program
$3k for the Immigrations Taskforce
Allocation to DDOT to establish a Pilot program for 1-month free DDOT ridership
Allocation to DDOT to increase Bus Driver Compensation
Allocation to Health to conduct environmental impact study of truck traffic on air quality on neighborhoods surrounding the bridge
Allocation to CRIO for language access: having more translators for Spanish, Arabic and Bengali speaking citizens
Allocation to the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund
Allocation to GSD for the Office of Sustainability and after school programing (Add - (1) FTE)
Councilmember Fred Durhal
councilmemberdurhall@detroitmi.gov / Fred.Durhal@detroitmi.gov - 313.224.2151
$7M to DDOT to increase the number of bus shelters city-wide
$50k to Health to increase budget to provide more information to the public on food safety practices
$100k to CRIO for Office of Disability to hire 1 FTE to serve as a liaison between city depts and the disabled community
$75k to increase funding for Capital Improvements
$150k to the Board of Ethics for a learning management system
$100k to Media Services to address the needs of the Disabled Community.
$50K to Port Authority
$150k to Police to create Invisible Disability Training for DPD officers
$100k Assessment of DPD Shooting Range Enclosure at Rouge Park to mitigate sound from practice gun shots
$900k to City Council Budget to increase budgets for each city council
$81k to Clerk to hire (1 ) FTE - Committee Clerk position
Allocation to GSD to create a program/grant to assist community groups in their efforts to maintain side lots in their neighborhoods
Allocation to continue renovation to the Brennan Pool Site-
Allocation to Marketing Services to educate the public on tax abatements
Councilmember Angela Calloway
CouncilmemberCalloway@detroitmi.gov - 313.224.4535
$400K to DDOT for $1,000 bonus for bus drivers (for current active employees)
$1M to CRIO for a Disparity Study
$250k to GSD to establish and fund a Citizen Blight Patrol
$20k to GSD for Palmer Park Lighting Improvements
Allocation to Health for impact study of truck traffic on air quality on neighborhoods surrounding the Amazon Fulfillment Center
Allocation to Health for the Office of Early Learning to acquire facility (Historic Ft. Wayne)
Allocation to Port Authority for feasibility Study to provide a ferry service along riverfront to Grosse Ile