Dear Detroit Voter,
In Detroit, the nation’s largest majority Black city, democracy is under attack. And this trouble has been brought on by politicians who disrespect our vote and ignore the priorities of Detroiters and favor the interest of corporate and dark money sources. In the recent August election, a YES vote on P and proposed revisions to the City Charter would have delivered the following for Detroiters: More affordable housing supports; a policy that ensures water is affordable for all; and greater benefits when corporations demand our tax dollars for their private development projects.
In a functioning democracy, citizen led initiatives such as the Charter Revision process are regarded with a level of respect. It is a sign that Detroiters remain committed to the value and benefit of the democratic process.
But the August 2021 primary proved otherwise and repeats a pattern Detroiters have experienced before. Dark money leveraged in the Vote NO on P campaign, revealed the willingness of those in power to use the courts, disinformation and fear to undermine and suppress our vote. Further, those behind the campaign weaponized our neighbors and friends to speak out against the best interest of Detroiters.
When democracy is under attack Detroiters experience the following:
- Voters are denied access to information on both sides of the issue and therefore cannot make an informed decision as in the recent Vote NO on Proposal P campaign
- A privilege few use their resources to influence decisions that impact us all
- Traditional and trusted institutions are compromised
- Voter participation in elections is intentionally suppressed
Regrettably, these tactics have become common place in local campaigns especially when Detroiters are organizing to WIN and expand benefits for our families and the neighborhoods where we live.
Here’s what you can do to break this cycle and safeguard Democracy in Detroit:
- Demand transparency from public officials including those elected and those appointed
- Hold public officials Accountable for the decisions they make on your behalf
- Know the issues that are critical to the support and success of your household,
- Organize your VOTE with like minded residents and Build Collective Power to WIN on your issues
- WIELD POWER and make democracy work for majority Black Detroit
What Matters Most
- Affordable Housing & Renter Protections
- Low Income Bus Fare
- Community Benefits
- No Corporate Welfare
- No Over Taxation
- Good Quality Jobs
- Water Affordability
- Investment in Left Behind Neighborhoods
On Tuesday, November 2nd 2021
Majority Black Detroit Deserves Better
VOTE! and join with the Detroit People’s Platform in the coming months as we fight to protect and defend Majority Black Detroit.