Missing Pieces Fisher Body Lofts

July 16, 2022
Read for yourself: Download the Fisher Body CBA - Please note that although some "missing items" are mentioned in the document the specific details negotiated with community are not included. 

Help Detroit City Council find the missing pieces of the Fisher Body Lofts CBA

Somewhere between the community engagement process and Detroit City Council, pieces of the Community Benefits Agreement negotiated between the Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) and the developer have gone missing.

What is missing?

Where are the Environmental Protections for Neighbors?

Residents were very clear about securing environmental monitoring for the neighborhood along the hazmat truck route. Residents understand the environmental testing and monitoring on the site are mandated by law. On June 7th the developer agreed to go above and beyond that to protect the families that live in the neighborhood. The developer agreed to ADDITIONAL environmental monitoring. Demand this plan be included in the CBA!

Where are the jobs for Black Detroiters?

One of the benefits highlighted AT LENGTH during negotiations was the developers plan to hire Black contractors on the project. Demand this plan be included in the CBA!

Where are the affordable housing units?

Residents negotiated at length for a specific numbers of units set aside as "affordable" so that neighbors around the project could possibly live there. Only 3 out 433 apartments are affordable for the vast majority of Detroiters. Demand more units be made available at 50% AMI.

Where is the donation to the Detroit Affordable Housing Trust Fund?

Residents negotiated for a one time donation to the Detroit Affordable Housing Trust Fund. This fund develops housing for households who earn 50% AMI and BELOW. Demand this be included in the CBA!

Contact City Council about these missing pieces from the CBA. Tell them not to approve the deal until they are included.

Note: We have received word that today's Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting will not have a quorum and will be cancelled. Please contact council directly will demands and stay tuned for updates as we have them. 

The item is scheduled to be before the Planning & Economic Committee on Thursday July 21 at 11:00 a.m. Council President Pro Tem James Tate, is the Chairperson seated with Council Members are Fred Durhal III, Vice Chairperson, and Council Member Latisha Johnson.

If the item is moved out of committee it would be scheduled for a vote by the full Detroit City Council on Tuesday, July 26th at 10:00 am. Note: The meeting on the 26th will the last before Council's August break.

Detroit City Council Contact Information and details to join these meeting are below.

In the NEWS:

Halima Cassells, an alternate member of the neighborhood advisory council, told the City Council there wasn’t enough time to “negotiate the best on behalf of the community.” She said she wants to strengthen the environmental precautions as well as commitments to work with Detroit-based contractors before moving the deal forward.  Bridge Detroit

Learn More about the Fisher Body Luxury Lofts

How the call for Racial Solidarity collides with the demand for Racial Justice in majority Black Detroit


Environmental Protections and Monitoring

Fisher Body Plant 21 Environmental Protections and Monitoring

The FISHER BODY PLANT 21 Perpetuates The Housing Crisis In Detroit


Racial Justice Organizers say “NO!’ to Fisher Body Plant 21





2022 Detroit
City Council
Contact Info




Mary Sheffield

Council President, District 5 - City Page

James Tate

President Pro Tem, District 1 - City Page
(313) 224-1027 - @CouncilmanTate

Angela Whitfield-Calloway

District 2 - City Page
(313) 224-4535 -Instagram

Scott Benson

District 3 - City Page
(313) 224-1198 - @Scottinthe3rd

Latisha Johnson

District 4 - City Page
(313) 224-4841 - @ElectLatisha

Gabriela Santiago-Romero

District 6 - City Page
(313) 224-2450 - @gabysantiromero

Fred Durhal III

District 7 - City Page
313-224-2151 - @FDurhal3 @FredDurhal7

Mary Waters

At-Large - City Page
(313) 628-2363@MaryWaters4Det

Coleman A. Young II

At Large - City Page
(313) 224-4248 - @colemanyoung

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  1. Watch via Channel 10
  2. Watch online by using https://detroitmi.gov/government/city-council  and clicking on Channel 10
  3. To attend by phone only, call one of these numbers: +1-929436-2866, +1-312-626-6799, +1-669-906-6833, +-253-215-8782, +1-301-715-8592, or +1-346-248-7799, Enter Meeting ID: 85846903626##
  4. To attend online: Online-CC-Meeting



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  • You will be called on in the order in which your hand is raised
  • All time limits set by the meeting Chair will be enforced
  • Any hands raised after the Chair ends submission of public comments, will not be able to speak at the meeting