Fiat Chrysler just pocketed $1.4 BILLION! (Q3 Net Profits)

October 29, 2020

Tweet it: @FiatChrysler_NA just pocketed $1.4 BILLION! (Q3 Profits) All the while they’ve been nickel and dime’in @DetroitPeoples over making homes safe to live in and environmental protections. See what it's like living next to FCA Petition 

Fiat Chrysler just pocketed $1.4 BILLION! (Q3 Net Profits)

The financial picture improved significantly for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in the third quarter of 2020, with the company's best showing since the coronavirus pandemic blew a hole in sales and earnings across the automotive industry earlier this year. Rather than a loss on the quarter, the company claimed a net profit of $1.4 billion (1.2 billion euros), up 773% over the same quarter in 2019, powered by its performance in North America.

All the while they’ve been nickel and dime’in Detroit residents over making their homes safe to live in and environmental protections. 

We want Justice for Beniteau Residents and Clean Air For All!

Fiat Chrysler & Air Quality

Increased Pollution - FCA claim they are doing more than enough but they could reduce facility emissions more with improved air pollution control technology.

Existing Public Health Crisis - Residents around FCA have high asthma rates and respiratory illness. Many of the pollutants released may make them more vulnerable to COVID-19.

Extreme Public Funding Nearly 50% of the project is subsidized with public tax abatements.

WE Demand FCA 
1. reduce facility emissions with improved air pollution control technology,  

2. increase protections for residents through home repairs and filters on public spaces and
3. improve source monitoring.

Watch the Beniteau Stories to see what it’s like living next to FCA. Beniteau Stories

On the east side of Detroit, Fiat Chrysler, a global player worth billions, is disrespecting the people next to their new assembly and paint lines.

The community next to the plant is majority black and less than half of the residents live above the poverty line. The area has nearly double the asthma hospitalization rates as the rest of the state.

Fiat Chrysler have have applied for up to $400 Million in public funds and only put $8.8 Million of their own money back into community.

Fiat Chrysler have refused to meet with residents who are concerned about or critical of the project and its health and environmental impacts.

The majority of elected officials have supported Fiat Chrysler and the project, dismissing and ignoring the needs and wants of the most impacted, their constituents.

Take Action:

National and Local Action: Sign the Color of Change Petition demanding a meeting with Fiat Chrysler and residents.

Local Action: Call Council members Tate, Benson and Leland and demand they move the amendments to the Community Benefits Ordinance to a vote. 

Tweet it: @FiatChrysler_NA just pocketed $1.4 BILLION! (Q3 Profits) All the while they’ve been nickel and dime’in @DetroitPeoples over making homes safe to live in and environmental protections. See what it's like living next to FCA Petition