The Black Woman’s Attitude Guide for Survival in These Times

March 2, 2025

The Black Woman’s Attitude Guide for Survival in These Times

In March, Woman’s History Month, Detroit People’s Platform (DPP) acknowledges the historical and present day

contribution of thousands of Black women across Detroit who have contributed to the health and well being of our city and its residents.  Many have performed incredible work as leaders and volunteers in neighborhoods, schools, faith-based institutions, government, politics, health care settings and service institutions -  the list goes on. Much of this work has been funded by grassroots and individual donations.

The names of these leaders and volunteers are too numerous to mention in this space.  However, in their honor, we amplify below the behavior, character and personality traits which regardless of class and generation, contributed to their individual success and the betterment of Detroit.   

Acknowledge the Threat: There is a lot to be upset about as we experience the early impacts of Project 2025 and the dismantling of decades long fights for equal rights and protections for Blacks in this nation. Acknowledging the existential threat to Black Americans informs the work that must be done on all fronts including local, statewide and national coalitions.

Own Your Power: What does that look like?  Many of us have been taught to shy away from the use of the term power because many of us perceive power as negative.  This reluctance is understandable since power has been used in brutal and negative ways to harm our communities. Dr. Martin Luther King defined power in the following way: “Power is the ability to achieve a purpose. Whether or not it is good or bad depends upon the purpose.” 

Engage With Power: Power exist in many forms across our community. Power is embedded in systems and structures that we interact with everyday.  As a result, decisions and policies can be made by those who hold power that negatively impact our lives and undercut our long term success. Therefore, it is critical that we interact with those in power such as public officials and stakeholders in response to the specific policies they create. Organizing with others who align with your values and vision for justice and equity in our community has been shown to be an effective strategy in winning important material benefits for Detroiters. In addition to making demands on those with power, we also wield our collective power to ensure accountability. 

Given what many see as abandonment by the majority of the American voters, some community leaders advocate that Black women step back and disengage in this moment. However, we must consider the important policies being shaped and influenced by those committed to the erasure of Black progress. Despite the disappointing outcome of the election, as Black women our charge remains to continue the work of creating a better world for future generations.

Practice Humor and Creativity: How we show up has always been key to our success as leaders and often times is as important as the message itself. Cultural habits rooted in humor and creativity have helped to fuel our movement work. Thru music, art, fashion, dance, food, spoken/written word, etc., we have faced the most threatening of conditions while advancing a vision for change rooted in justice and equity.    

Cultivate Humility: Confronting powerful structures and systems in the fight for racial justice calls for individual courage and fortitude. Seldom is humility cited as an asset in the struggle. However, we believe humility is an understated and worthwhile value.  For those who step into the leaders role, humility helps center the needs and priorities of others in community and holds the ego in check. Embracing humility as an important value invites new and exciting learning opportunities for movement work welcoming all levels and forms of engagement. 

Extend Grace: Grace compels us to act from generosity rooted in the spirituality of our ancestors. Black women play a unique role as Mothers, Grandmothers, Wives, Aunties, Sisters and Godmothers thru their daily acts of kindness. These acts of kindness are the underpinning of the invisible social capital and ever present power of majority Black Detroit WOMEN!