October 28, 2020


Ask Questions and Raise Concerns about the location and design of the new transit center, location of bus stops and shelters, and what will happen to the current Transit Center.

Two VIRTUAL Sessions

10 am Session
Meeting ID: 872 9536 0231
Meeting Link: cityofdetroit.zoom.us/j/87295360231
Phone-In: (312) 626-6799

6 pm Session
Meeting ID: 894 8184 6485
Meeting Link: cityofdetroit.zoom.us/j/89481846485
Phone-In: (301) 715-8592

To participate at the time of Public Comment, please raise your hand.
1. Telephone participants: Raise your hand by pressing *9
2. Web participants: Raise your hand by clicking raise hand in the application or pressing
    a. Windows computer = [ALT] + [Y]    b. Apple computers = [OPTION] + [Y]

Why is this public hearing taking place?

The Detroit Department of Transportation is mandated by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Federal Transit Administration to host a public hearing when there are major service changes that impacts minority and low-income bus riders.

The City of Detroit is proposing to replace the current State Fairgrounds Transit Center located on Woodward Ave as part of the proposed Amazon Warehouse development project. The relocation of this transit center will impact the service, schedule, and routing of the Woodward #4, Conant #12, Eight Mile #17, Hamilton #23, Livernois #30, and #54 Wyoming buses.

Why Bus Riders Should Attend:

• This will affect at least 30,000 bus riders weekly who use the current State Fairgrounds Transit Center. 

• These changes potentially can impact those of you who use these routes to travel to work, school, medical care and other services.

Bus riders need answers to questions like:

Call to Action!
Pack the D-DOT Public Hearing sessions on Friday November 13th 

Transit Team Win!

During the past month, the Detroit People’s Platform Transit Justice Team fought for and WON this public hearing for bus riders. Show up ready to get your questions and concerns answered.  

Your voice is so important and we cannot let developers and the city decide what is best for bus riders! We use the system, we have the knowledge, and we need DDOT to work for bus riders.